Many thanks to all. Your concerns and encouragements would certainly help me to persevere in times like this and spur me on to further improve myself both on personal and professional level.
Regrettably, there are some of you that may be overly concern about me and the programme, so much so that in your response to my blog, you accidentally posted comments which carried racial elements. This leaves me with little choice but to delete your post.
Do remember that, while we respect and value freedom of speech, we do not at any time condone any personal attack or racist remark. Just like “What Say You” always championed mature and peaceful discussion on issues affecting the country. We have also always encouraged mutual respect for all parties. Indeed, this is the essence of freedom of speech that each and every of us should uphold
I believe that the people who truly love and care for me will appreciate that posting such racist remarks will only do harm to me.
Are you really the one who loves and cares for me?
Thank you.